Are Fentanyl Test Strips A Harm Reduction Effort?
In the complex world of addiction treatment, one particular approach stands out: harm reduction....
How Alcohol Impacts Our Relationships
Alcohol has a profound influence on our lives and our relationships. From dating an alcoholic to...
The Reality of “Nicotine-Free” Vape Pens
E-cigarettes and vape pens have been marketed as a healthier option to traditional cigarettes,...
What is a Typical Day Like In Rehab?
Going to rehab can be a life-saving choice. Still, it’s not always an easy choice to make when it...
Why Does Rehab Have A Stigma?
While society’s perception of addiction has come a long way, there are still plenty of...
Getting Sober: Can I Do It My Own?
Getting sober on your own is certainly possible, but should you try to do it on your own? We take...
Should I Travel For Rehab?
Deciding to go to rehab can be a hard decision to make. Deciding where to go for rehab, can be...
10 Intervention Mistakes to Avoid
Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a widespread problem. The WHO estimates that 31 million people...
Friendventory: Leveling Up Your Network In Recovery
Early on in my recovery from homelessness and iv drug addiction, I began listening to as many...