How do you do EMDR Step by Step?
The trend of improving mental health has been the focus of experts for a while now. While there...
Is Vaping Safe?
Since vaping emerged as a mainstream “alternative” to tobacco cigarettes, there has been much...
What Are the 5 Phases of Recovery?
Substance abuse almost always proves destructive for not only the physical and mental health of an...
Your Addiction to Work May Be Causing Damage to Your Mental Health
“I Don’t Have A ‘9-5’… I Have A ‘When I Open My Eyes to When I Close My Eyes’” Being a workaholic...
Drug-Induced Psychosis, It’s As Terrifying As It Sounds
It seems that there’s no limit to the awful consequences of substance abuse: financial ruin,...
Overcoming Addiction Together: Drug Rehab For Couples
Your romantic partner might play a bigger role in your drug addiction than you realize. Even if...
Identifying An Ethical Addiction Treatment Center
Based on a study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA),...
Veteran Benefits & Paying for Rehab
It’s no secret that military veterans are a population with some of the highest rates of mental...
Vitamin D Deficiency & Opioid Addiction
A brand new study has led to a surprising discovery just in time for summer. It turns out that...