15 Ways to Recognize Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction
About 2.2 million people aged 12 or older reported using MDMA in the past 12 months. Ecstasy, also...
Are Fentanyl Test Strips A Harm Reduction Effort?
In the complex world of addiction treatment, one particular approach stands out: harm reduction....
How Alcohol Impacts Our Relationships
Alcohol has a profound influence on our lives and our relationships. From dating an alcoholic to...
Getting Sober: Can I Do It My Own?
Getting sober on your own is certainly possible, but should you try to do it on your own? We take...
Should I Travel For Rehab?
Deciding to go to rehab can be a hard decision to make. Deciding where to go for rehab, can be...
10 Intervention Mistakes to Avoid
Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a widespread problem. The WHO estimates that 31 million people...
Friendventory: Leveling Up Your Network In Recovery
Early on in my recovery from homelessness and iv drug addiction, I began listening to as many...
Is My Addiction Bad Enough to Go to Rehab?
Millions of people around the world use drugs and alcohol to various degrees. Some take them...
How Do I Pay For Treatment?
In 2020, 14.9% (or 41.1 million people) needed substance abuse treatment. Of those, only 1.4%...