The Link Between Depression & Addiction?
Addiction and depression often occur together. They’re closely linked not only because of their...
The 12 Steps of NA: A Guide To Seeking Help
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program for people who have struggled with addiction to...
Alcohol, Domestic Abuse, And Intimate Partner Violence
Alcohol is a drug that affects our bodily functions and behaviors. One area where alcohol may be...
Why Nutrition Is Important In Recovery
You are what you eat and that’s more important than ever when it comes to healing the body (and...
5 Examples of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Addiction Treatment
Medical advancements have vastly improved the efficacy of drug addiction treatment; there are...
Does Medicaid Pay for Rehab?
Medicaid is an integral part of healthcare coverage in the United States. Every state has its own...
Why an Alcoholic Cannot Love
Loving someone with an addiction to alcohol has its challenges and struggles. People who love...
Meditation for Addiction Recovery
In today’s fast-paced world it can be easy to get lost in our racing thoughts and busy schedules....
The Dangers of NOT Treating Drug Abuse & Addiction in Jail
Nearly two-thirds of all inmates (a little under two and a half million) who are sent to prison...