How Long do Opioids Stay in Your System?
How long opioids stay in your system is influenced by various factors. One of the most important...
Taking Suboxone During Pregnancy
The opioid crisis has devastated the country but has been particularly disastrous to families and...
Exploring the Complex Relationship between Eating Disorders and Addiction
Eating disorders and addiction are two different conditions that are often interlinked. Both...
What is Bath Salt Addiction & Is It Real?
Bath salts are illicit synthetic stimulants with mind-altering properties. They shouldn't be...
What is a Natural Substitute for Adderall & Other ADHD Medication?
Daily life is more go-go-go than ever and everyone is looking for a boost. Some seek physical aids...
6 Non-Alcoholic Drinks You Have to Order at a Bar
No longer do non-drinkers find themselves limited to boring bar options such as water or juice....
6 Hilarious Sober Life Meme Accounts
Who doesn’t love some good, clean fun? The term takes on a hilarious new meaning thanks to the...
4 Gift Ideas to Celebrate 1 Year Sober
Making it to the first year of sobriety or your “sobriety birthday” is a huge milestone that...
Common Body Changes After 1 Year Sober
Whether you realized it or not, drugs and drinking take a major toll on the body. In extreme cases...