The Buzz Around Alcohol Balloons
Vapor Vodka; De-Mistified At first thought, you may be picturing the trendy helium-inflated...
Loving an alcoholic without losing yourself
Alcoholics are often unable to recognize, understand, and respond to their own emotions, as well...
Does Alcohol Weaken Your Immune System?
Heavy drinking, especially long-term heavy drinking, has seemingly endless adverse effects on your...
How to Go to Rehab and Keep Your Job
Addictions and substance abuse can have negative impacts on your personal and professional life....
What are Benzodiazepines Used To Treat?
Benzodiazepines, it’s a drug that’s a mouthful to say and seemingly on everybody’s lips. It...
How Family Can Help A Recovering Addict
Medication, therapy, and time are integral to the addiction recovery process. Drugs—the legal...
Can you overdose on Benzos?
Benzodiazepines are prescription sedatives used to treat anxiety, seizures, and insomnia. Despite...
Your Addiction to Work May Be Causing Damage to Your Mental Health
“I Don’t Have A ‘9-5’… I Have A ‘When I Open My Eyes to When I Close My Eyes’” Being a workaholic...
Drug-Induced Psychosis, It’s As Terrifying As It Sounds
It seems that there’s no limit to the awful consequences of substance abuse: financial ruin,...