Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Cannon Ball, ND

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Read more about Cannon Ball suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Solen, Livona, Breien and Fort Yates. Clck here for Cannon Ball rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Cannon Ball, ND Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a drug offered as medication assisted treatment (MAT) in place of methadone. In place of methadone, which is solely administered at a methadone clinic daily, Suboxone can be prescribed by a Cannon Ball, ND Suboxone doctor licensed to prescribe the medication in Cannon Ball, ND. Suboxone was the first drug that was authorized to be prescribed by a physician to treat opioid dependence. This has increased the accessibility to treatment options and resources for people in Cannon Ball, ND who want to stop using opioids.

Brittany Bearstail MD
10 North River Road
Fort Yates, ND
15.95 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Brian Reynolds DO
10 North River Road
Fort Yates, ND
15.95 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jaimi Pochant NP
914 S 12th St. Suite 101
Bismarck, ND
33.76 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Carissa Cornell NP
549 Airport Road
Bismarck, ND
33.87 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Victoria Mills NP
549 Airport Road
Bismarck, ND
33.87 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Andrea Roberts NP
549 Airport Road
Bismarck, ND
33.87 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jane Sveen PA
549 Airport Road
Bismarck, ND
33.87 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Shari Forschen NP
101 East Broadway Avenue
Bismarck, ND
34.56 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Melissa Henke MD
Heartview Foundation101 East Broadway
Bismarck, ND
34.58 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jennifer Ceynar Moen NP
300 North 7th Street
Bismarck, ND
34.62 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Scharazard Gray MD
6400 158th Sreet SE
Menoken, ND
34.79 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jacquelyn Liffrig NP
914 S. 12th StreetSuite 101
Bismarck, ND
34.83 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Leah Neugebauer NP
2700 State StreetSuite 1
Bismarck, ND
34.83 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
John Hagan MD
3100 Railroad AvenuePO Box 5521
Bismarck, ND
34.83 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Rachael Trom NP
DHS- WCHSC1237 W Divide Avenue, Suite 5
Bismarck, ND
36.06 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Kurt Datz DO
811 East Interstate Avenue
Bismarck, ND
36.24 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Aaron Vasa MD
811 East Interstate Avenue
Bismarck, ND
36.24 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jane Christianson NP
2700 State Street
Bismarck, ND
36.46 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Rhonda Schmidt NP
602 Ash Avenue
Glen Ullin, ND
66.34 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Andrea Macfadden NP
Spirit Lake Health Center3883 74th Ave NE
80.14 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Andrea Macfadden NP
Spirit Lake Health Center3883 74th Ave NE
80.14 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jaimi Pochant NP
416 Kundert Street
Turtle Lake, ND
83.96 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Orlan Jackson DO
1312 Highway 49 North
Beulah, ND
84.93 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Aaron Garman MD
1312 Highway 49 North
Beulah, ND
84.93 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Jacinta Jon Klindworth MD
1312 Highway 49 North
Beulah, ND
84.93 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Michelle Placke MD
1312 Highway 49 North
Beulah, ND
84.93 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Joshua Gibbel
1312 Highway 49 North
Beulah, ND
84.93 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Jolene Engelhart
Richardton Clinic215 3rd Ave W
Richardton, ND
88.84 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Dr. Julio Almeyda-Vargas MD
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Health Center166 Airport Road, 24276
Eagle Butte, SD
94.13 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND
Angela Volk PA
2430 20th Street Sw
Jamestown, ND
100.25 miles from the center of Cannon Ball, ND

Choosing a Cannon Ball, ND Suboxone Doctor

When searching for a Suboxone Doctor in Cannon Ball, NDthere are numerous factors to consider. To get the best outcome via medically assisted treatment, selecting a Suboxone doctor that monitors your progress closely is an imperative aspect of recovery. Talk with the physician and inquire regarding how closely they monitor their clients, if they typically allow clients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and the length of time before they typically start sending clients home with multiple doses.

Availability, distance, and office hours are also significant factors to consider when searching for a Suboxone doctor. As a result of limits on the number of patients a physician can see, it may be challenging to identify a qualified physician in or near Cannon Ball, ND. However, if you work, go to school, or have a family that relies on you, then driving across town for your Suboxone treatment might not be practical. Our directory or helpline can help you in looking for a physician is a good match for your needs and who is currently taking new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive substance in itself, there is significant controversy on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some addicts have reported great success with Suboxone treatment, but others were not as lucky. One study reported that 49% of participants abused prescription painkillers at a lowered rate while on Suboxone, but only 8.6% showed signs of recovery once the Suboxone treatment ended. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, regardless of whether Suboxone treatment was combined with therapy or not.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Cannon Ball, ND

The medication Suboxone is a combination of two substances. Those substances are buprenorphine and naloxone, and the combination of the two has been approved by the FDA to address opioid addiction. However, in recent years this treatment has received significant criticism because of the likelihood of addiction to Subxone. We have also seen a rise of individuals in Suboxone treatment programs Cannon Ball, ND having accidental overdoses. As a result, this has triggered others to seek alternative options. Alternative treatments individuals have tried include methadone, going cold turkey, Subutex, or vivitrol. There are many options available and each patient should investigate every option available with their physician before .

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Cannon Ball, ND

Subxone is covered by many insurance companies to treat opiate addiction in Cannon Ball, ND. Government healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opiates via Suboxone.Coverage may vary based on the specific insurance plan from each provider. Contact your insurance provider to find out if they cover Suboxone treatment and to find a Cannon Ball, ND Suboxone doctor that is in network with your insurance provider.

For those who are uninsured, the Suboxone brand does offer a savings card to help make this treatment more affordable to patients in Cannon Ball, ND. Learn more at

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