Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Ravenna, KY

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Ravenna, Kentucky. Read more about Ravenna suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Irvine, Millers Creek, Drip Rock and Furnace. Clck here for Ravenna rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Ravenna, KY Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication that is used to help treat people in Ravenna, KY who are addicted to heroin, fentanyl, or any other opioid drug. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. This medically assisted treatment (MAT) option is uniquely available through Suboxone doctors in Ravenna, KY who are specially qualified to prescribe Suboxone to those seeking opioid addiction treatment. To prevent abuse, Suboxone doctors may require that patients come and take their dose at their office for the first weeks or months.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most frequently used medication used for opioid addiction management, but it could only be distributed by a clinic licensed for methadone treatment. This limited access to MAT for opiate addiction. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 made it possible for individual doctors to be able to apply for a waiver, opening the door for individual doctors to prescribe Suboxone. However, there are still strict regulations for these doctors that limit treatment, including limits to how many patients they are able to treat for opioid addiction.

Tammy Gross
30 Stacy Lane Road
Irvine, KY
0.77 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Christy Kennon NP
789 Maple Street
Stanton, KY
12.49 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Kelli Cremeans NP
321-C East College Avenue
Stanton, KY
12.82 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Georgette Greene NP
638 E College Avenue
Stanton, KY
12.82 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. James Noble MD
P.O. Box 204
Beattyville, KY
15.33 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Asad Jadoon
1042 Center Drive
Richmond, KY
17.66 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Gary Turner MD
2007 Corporate Drive
Richmond, KY
17.72 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Martin Barrios MD
2007 Corporate Drive
Richmond, KY
17.72 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Baba Sokan
Richmond Recovery Center2007 Corporate Drive
Richmond, KY
17.77 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Bobbie Adams NP
1012 Center Drive
Richmond, KY
17.82 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Carrie Dolen NP
1012 Center Drive
Richmond, KY
17.82 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Bradley Williams MD
1010 Main Street South
McKee, KY
17.95 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Tina Holbrook NP
149 Pineur Road
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Diana Spring NP
1042 Center DriveSuite #100
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Rachel Short
210 St George StreetSUITE 110
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Hammad Bokhari MD
1042 Center DriveSuite: 100
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Scott Fisk MD
210 St. George StreetSuite 110
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Arlys Solien MD
210 St. George St.Suite 110
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Lisa Highland NP
210 St George StreetSuite 110
Richmond, KY
18.21 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Melissa Dixon NP
1550 Hwy 15S Suite 200
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Beverly Ellis NP
265 Hwy 15 SouthSte 3
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Aaron Johnson DO
102 North Oak Hill Drive
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Pablo Merced Jr MD
1389 Highway 15 North
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Sreeni Alla MD
1550 Highway 15 South
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Dr. Martin Barrios MD
540 Jett Drive
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Cynthia Bell NP
832 Highway 15 North
Jackson, KY
18.42 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Francis Hinsberg
801 Eastern Bypass
Richmond, KY
18.94 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Danielle McPeak
789 Eastern Bypass Suite 23
Richmond, KY
18.99 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Rebecca Akers NP
2004 Cumberland AvenueSuite 100
Middlesboro, KY
19.28 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY
Neil Klemek MD
98 Baker Court
Berea, KY
19.45 miles from the center of Ravenna, KY

Choosing a Ravenna, KY Suboxone Doctor

When selecting a Suboxone Doctor in Ravenna, KYthere are a number of factors to consider. To get the best outcome with medication assisted treatment, working with a practitioner that monitors your progress closely is critical for success. Connect with the license practitioner and inquire regarding their Suboxone treatment practices, if they typically allow patients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and the length of time before they might begin sending clients home with multiple doses.

Availability, distance, and office hours are also main factors to consider when looking for a physician. Due to limits on the number of patients a license practitioner can see, it may be difficult to identify a qualified license practitioner in or near Ravenna, KY. However, if you work, go to school, or have a family that relies on you, then driving across town for your Suboxone treatment might not be practical. Our directory or helpline can help you in looking for a license practitioner who works well for you and who is currently accepting new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive substance in itself, there is lots of uncertainty on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some doctors have said to have experienced great success with Suboxone treatment, but others were not as lucky. One study reported that while on Suboxone there was a reduced rate of prescription painkiller abuse at 49%, but only 8.6% exhibited abstinence once the Suboxone treatment ended. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, regardless of whether Suboxone treatment was combined with therapy or not.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Ravenna, KY

Addiction is one of the many diseases that does not have a cure. Consequently, there is a lot of debate regarding what the best approach to treatment. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. Very simply, the jury is still out; however, when following the care of a licensed Suboxone Doctor in Ravenna, KY, the chance of success increases greatly.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Ravenna, KY

Most private insurance companies provide coverage for Suboxone maintenance programs to treat opiate addiction in Ravenna, KY. Public healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opiates via Suboxone.Coverage may differ depending on the the different individual insurance plans. Reach out to your insurance provider to find out if they cover Suboxone treatment and to find a Ravenna, KY Suboxone doctor that your insurance will cover.

For those who are uninsured, the Suboxone brand does issue a savings card to help make this treatment more affordable to individuals in Ravenna, KY. Learn more at

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