Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Cleveland, ID

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Cleveland, Idaho. Read more about Cleveland suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Thatcher, Mink Creek, Niter and Sharon. Clck here for Cleveland rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Cleveland, ID Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a pharmaceutical drug offered as medication assisted treatment (MAT) as an alternative to the drug methadone. In place of methadone, which is solely administered via a methadone clinic daily, Suboxone can be prescribed by a Cleveland, ID Suboxone doctor licensed to prescribe the drug in Cleveland, ID. Suboxone was the first pharmaceutical drug that passed government approval to be prescribed by a medical doctor to treat opioid dependence. This has increased the accessibility to treatment options and resources for people in Cleveland, ID who are ready to stop using opioids.

Selanie Sanone-Leavitt
152 South 4th Street
Montpelier, ID
21.27 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Nita Weber DO
1497 Bailey Creek Road
Soda Springs, ID
22.81 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Tina Guedes
85 S. 5th W
Lava Hot Springs, ID
24.79 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
David Ballingham PA
1515 N 400 E
North Logan, UT
40.54 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Gary Stokes MD
655 East 1300 North
Logan, UT
40.7 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Ammon Hills
2310 N 400 E Suite A
Logan, UT
41.69 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Eric Barker MD
1350 North 500 East3rd Floor
Logan, UT
42.15 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Glenn Robertson
517 West 100 NorthSuite 110
North Logan, UT
42.15 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Ian Troesoyer
1515 North 400 EastSuite 104
North Logan, UT
42.15 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Lisa Roberts NP
580 S. 600 E.
River Heights, UT
43.06 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Lisa Fraleigh DO
Lisa Fraleigh D.O. PC.965 South 100 West, Suite 204
Logan, UT
43.64 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Jonathan Ricks NP
277 North Spring Creek Parkway
Providence, UT
43.68 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Lars Bergeson MD
382 West 280 NorthPO Box 609
Providence, UT
44.25 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Vikas Garg MD
286 North Gateway DriveSuite 201
Providence, UT
44.25 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Colby Martin PA
Clear Recovery of Cache Valley277 North Spring Creek Parkway
Providence, UT
44.25 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Ashley Smith
515 North 600 East
Hyrum, UT
49.45 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Heidi Winder NP
500 S. 11th Avenue Suite 400
Pocatello, ID
51.59 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Daniel Sterner MD
465 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, ID
51.67 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. William Woodhouse MD
465 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, ID
51.67 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Gordon Bontrager
465 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, ID
51.67 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Chance Christensen
465 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, ID
51.67 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Scott Nagao
465 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, ID
51.67 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Nicolette Hampton NP
1951 Bench RoadSuite B
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Vernon Kubiak NP
1070 Hiline RoadSuite 210
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Patricia Francisco
9312 West Autumn Lane
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
David Wise
115 S 15th AvenueSuite B
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Michael Anderson DO
1951 Bench RoadSuite B
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Zachary Warnock MD
1951 Bench RoadSuite B
Pocatello, ID
51.78 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Darrin Robertson NP
1352 E Center Ste A
Pocatello, ID
51.98 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID
Dr. Brandon Mickelsen
1951 Bench Road
Pocatello, ID
53.89 miles from the center of Cleveland, ID

Choosing a Cleveland, ID Suboxone Doctor

When looking for a Suboxone Doctor in Cleveland, IDthere are a number of factors to consider. To ensure success via medication assisted treatment, finding a physician that provides attentive treatment is an critical aspect of recovery. Speak with the Suboxone doctor and inquire regarding how closely they monitor their clients, if they ever allow patients to take a few doses of Suboxone home to be self-administered, and how long before they typically start allowing patients to self-administer multiple doses.

Availability, distance, and office hours are also main factors to consider when searching for a physician. Because of limits on the number of patients a Suboxone doctor can care for, it may be challenging to find a qualified Suboxone doctor in or near Cleveland, ID. However, if you have several personal responsibilities, then traveling a long distance every day for your Suboxone treatment may be difficult. Our directory or helpline can assist you in looking for a Suboxone doctor is a good match for your needs and who is currently accepting new patients.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the success rates of Suboxone and Medically Assisted Detox, mostly depending on the quality of care. Not all Suboxone Doctors or Medically Assisted Detoxes provide the same level of care. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of fraud in the healthcare system, and even the Suboxone Maintenance industry is not immune to that. A reputable Suboxone doctor is suggested to increase the likelihood of success with medically assisted treatment.

Suboxone Doctors will either accept insurance or cash pay. Learn how you can pay for treatment by contacting your Suboxone Doctor’s office. Remember that not all doctors accept all insurance plans. If you are eligible for coverage under your insurance plan, make certain you specifically inquire about what additional out of pocket costs may be associated. Lastly, always reach out to your insurance to determine your deductible, out of pockets, and copays prior to going to the Suboxone Doctor in Cleveland, ID.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Cleveland, ID

Suboxone is only one of numerous treatment options for those addicted to opioids. There are alternative drugs that have previously been used in Cleveland, IDto treat addiction to opiates, including methadone and Naltrexone. These medications might be available to you but have different regulations. For example, methadone can only be administered at a licensed methadone clinic and not by an individual practitioner. For struggling addicts who are ready to get clean and who have a supportive home environment or who live in a sober house, these medication assisted treatment options might work for you.

There are contraindications for the use of Suboxone for supporting recovery from opioid addiction. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Presence of thoughts of suicide
  • Untreated dual diagnosis
  • Pregnancy
  • alcohol use disorder
  • Previous adverse reaction to Suboxone
  • Drug interactions with other medications
  • Previous abuse of medication assisted treatments

People who are not a solid candidate for Suboxone treatment, abstinence may be the only alternative option. People who plan to take this route, they can expect intense flu-like withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings. It is strongly recommended to get help from a Cleveland, IDopioid detox center that can help manage these symptoms.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Cleveland, ID

Subxone is covered by many insurance companies to treat opioid addiction in Cleveland, ID. Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opioid painkillers and illicit opioids via Suboxone.Coverage may differ depending on the the different individual insurance plans. Reach out to your insurance provider to confirm if your treatment is covered and to find a Cleveland, ID Suboxone doctor that your insurance will cover.

If an patient does not have insurance, the Suboxone brand does provide a savings card to help make this treatment more affordable to people in Cleveland, ID. Learn more at

Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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