Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Waikane, HI

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Waikane, Hawaii. Read more about Waikane suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Kaaawa, Heeia, Kaneohe and Aiea. Clck here for Waikane rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Waikane, HI Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a medication that is used to help treat individuals in Waikane, HI who are addicted to opiates, whether pharmaceutical, illicitly-made, natural, or synthetic opiates. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. This medication assisted treatment (MAT) option is only accessible through a doctor licensed to prescribe Subxone in Waikane, HI who have completed addiction requirements to prescribe Suboxone to those seeking opioid addiction treatment. To avoid abuse, Suboxone doctors may ask that patients come and take their dose at their office at the beginning.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most widely accepted drug used for the treatment of opioid addictions, however, it could only be distributed by a methadone clinic. These limitations made it difficult to access medically managed treatment for opiate addiction. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 created the option for individual physicians to be able to apply for a waiver, allowing them to prescribe Suboxone. However, there are still many rules and regulations these doctors must follow that limit treatment, including limits to the number of patients they are able to treat for opioid addiction.

Kaipo Lindsey PA
46-001 Kamehameha Highway Suite 109
Kaneohe, HI
6.78 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
John Moses NP
Mary Savio Medical Plaza98-1247 Kaahumanu Street, Suite 322
Aiea, HI
7.98 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Stacy Kracher NP
1188 Bishop Street Suite 2602
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Celena Ruiz
277 Ohua Avenue
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Jason Keifer MD
4211 Waialae AvenueSuite 207
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Bradley Kuo NP
1188 Bishop StreetSte 2602
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Sarah Grabill APRN-NP
277 Ohua Avenue
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Gerald McKenna MD
1314 South King StreetSuite 962
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Janice Montgomery-Suber NP
VAMC459 Patterson Road
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Ronald Fujimoto DO
1132 Bishop StreetSuite 400
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Sean Munnelly MD
1356 Lusitana Street, 4th Floor
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
John Moses NP
550 Paiea StreetSuite 120
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Corrie Miller DO
1319 Punahou StreetSuite 824
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Randolph Neal MD
1601 Punahou AvenueWo International Center
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Adam Roller NP
1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1611
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Juan Tellez DO
1 Jarrett White Road
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Gregory Yuen MD
1188 Bishop Street, #806
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Courtny Tanigawa NP
677 Ala Moana BoulevardSuite 226
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Oscar Dellinger III MD
201 Ohua AvenueTower 2, Unit 3102
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Scott Harvey MD
1319 Punahou StreetSuite 824
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Christina Wang NP
677 Ala Moana BoulevardSuite 226
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Thomas Cook IV MD
1110 University AvenueUnit #302
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Landis Lum MD
350 Sumner
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
LeAnna Paul PA
2239 N School Street
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Thomas Cook IV MD
1401 S Beretania Ste 340
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Naresh Misir MD
459 Patterson Road
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. William Goh
3288 Moanalua Road
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Raymond Davidson MD
2228 Liliha St.Suite 404
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Michele Pangilinan MD
1319 Punahou StreetSuite 824
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI
Dr. Elliot Kalauawa
277 Ohua Avenue
Honolulu, HI
7.99 miles from the center of Waikane, HI

Choosing a Waikane, HI Suboxone Doctor

There is no shortage of options when selecting a Suboxone Doctor in Waikane, HI. Choosing a Doctor for Suboxone or Buprenorphine can be difficult, and it is imperative to do your research. Suboxone is a prescription, and like many other medications, abuse is common. Therefore, you and your loved ones must be asking the right questions. Suboxone is not a cure for addiction, but rather one aspect of a recovering addict’s treatment plan. When looking for a Suboxone Doctor in Waikane, HI, always be certain that they match your needs in every way.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medically Assisted Detox

An addictive drug in itself, there is significant uncertainty on whether Suboxone actually helps individuals who are dependant on opioids. Some addicts have reported great success with Suboxone treatment, whereas others did not. One study reported that while on Suboxone there was a reduced rate of prescription painkiller abuse at 49%, but only 8.6% exhibited success once the Suboxone treatment had` ceased. Other studies have shown similar relapse rates of about 90%, including cases where behavioral therapy was provided alongside Suboxone treatment.

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Waikane, HI

The medication Suboxone is a combination of two substances. Those substances are buprenorphine and naloxone, and the combination of the two has been approved by the FDA for opioid addiction treatment. However, in recent years Suboxone has received significant scrutiny because of the likelihood of addiction to Subxone. We have also seen a rise of patients in MAT programs Waikane, HI having unintended overdoses. Due to this it has triggered others to seek alternative options. Alternative treatments patients have invested in include methadone, abstinence, Subutex, or vivitrol. Countless options are available and each person should look into each option available with their doctor before determining which will be most effective to combat opioid addiction.

Paying for Suboxone Treatment in Waikane, HI

Most private insurance companies provide coverage for Suboxone treatment programs to treat opiate addiction in Waikane, HI. Public healthcare plans such as Medicaid and Medicare do also cover treatment for addiction to prescription opiate painkillers and illicit opioids via Suboxone.Coverage may vary depending on the the different individual insurance plans. Ask your insurance provider to find out if they cover Suboxone treatment and to locate a Waikane, HI Suboxone doctor that is in network with your insurance provider.

For those who are uninsured, the Suboxone brand does issue a savings card to those we need help covering their addiction treatment in Waikane, HI. Learn more at

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