Substance Abuse & Addiction

National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week

National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week

Inhalants are a type of drug favored by adolescents--and you probably have quite a few of them laying around. Many of which are common household items you’d have never thought twice about: your hair spray, an air freshener, even vegetable oil spray in your kitchen....

Choosing A Rehab for Opioid Withdrawal

Choosing A Rehab for Opioid Withdrawal

Anyone who has seen or experienced opioid withdrawal understands how intense the cravings and physical symptoms can be. They also understand why it can be so difficult to get through the first days of recovery alone - without relapsing. Hence, why any professional...

10 Signs Of Pain Pill Addiction

10 Signs Of Pain Pill Addiction

Pain medication, also referred to as pain pills or painkillers, encompasses a wide array of pharmaceutical treatments for varying levels of pain. Just like any other medication, pain pills often carry potential side effects. Opioid pain medications are among the most...

What does heroin feel like?

What does heroin feel like?

Heroin is a major player in the ongoing opioid epidemic that has been sweeping the nation and killed over 60,000 Americans just last year. Its widespread availability and cheap cost have turned this otherwise niche narcotic into part of the mainstream drug scene. The...

Submit your favorite sober brand to be featured in AT Magazine.

We want to know if you love a brand, company, or organization that you feel has helped you in your sobriety! Provide the name and URL for the brand, as well as why you love this brand. Brands can include anything from non-alcoholic beverages and sober merchandise companies to recovery bloggers and influencers. 

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