Addiction Treatment

How To Choose An Addiction Treatment Center

How To Choose An Addiction Treatment Center

Beating your drug or alcohol addiction is not easy, but choosing the right facility can make all the difference. The question then becomes: how do you pick one? There are over 14,000 addiction treatment centers in the United States which can vary by the...

Common Rules For Staying In A Rehab Facility

Common Rules For Staying In A Rehab Facility

When you start a residential rehab program, it can be a radical departure from what you’re used to. There are rules and regulations that impact everything from when you eat to the music you can listen to. It might sound intimidating, but consider that most of the...

Ministries To Help Drug Addicts

Ministries To Help Drug Addicts

Many drug and alcohol treatment centers include faith-based recovery programming, but they are not necessarily faith-led facilities such as churches, temples, or other types of ministries. However, some ministries do offer addiction treatment through their...

Choosing A Rehab for Opioid Withdrawal

Choosing A Rehab for Opioid Withdrawal

Anyone who has seen or experienced opioid withdrawal understands how intense the cravings and physical symptoms can be. They also understand why it can be so difficult to get through the first days of recovery alone - without relapsing. Hence, why any professional...

How Alcoholics Stop Drinking Alcohol

How Alcoholics Stop Drinking Alcohol

At the beginning of 2020, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism published a press release addressing an increase in alcohol-related deaths in the United States. The opening sentence of this press release states that “nearly 1 million people died from...

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We want to know if you love a brand, company, or organization that you feel has helped you in your sobriety! Provide the name and URL for the brand, as well as why you love this brand. Brands can include anything from non-alcoholic beverages and sober merchandise companies to recovery bloggers and influencers. 

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    Find Treatment (866) 296-3016 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our privacy policy.

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