Suboxone Providers & Doctors in Harvey, IL

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Below is a comprehensive directory of suboxone doctors in Harvey, Illinois. Read more about Harvey suboxone treatment or click here to browse your local subxone doctors.

If you can't find a suboxone doctor close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Phoenix, Dixmoor, Markham and East Hazel Crest. Clck here for Harvey rehab centers.

For Help Finding Suboxone Providers Near You Please Call (866) 256-3258 ? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with Addiction Treatment Magazine to connect you with a Provider or Addiction Recovery Resource, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

About Harvey, IL Suboxone Doctors

Suboxone is a FDA-approved medication that is used to help treat people in Harvey, IL who are addicted to heroin, fentanyl, or any other opioid drug. Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine – a partial opioid agonist that relieves withdrawal symptoms and desires to use without producing the same high – and naloxone – an opioid agonist that causes withdrawal symptoms if Suboxone is injected directly into the bloodstream. This medication assisted treatment (MAT) option is solely available through a doctor licensed to prescribe Subxone in Harvey, IL who have completed addiction requirements to prescribe Suboxone to those seeking opioid addiction treatment. To avoid abuse, Suboxone doctors may demand that patients visit their office to take their doses at the beginning.

Before the year 2000, Methadone was the most common pharmaceutical treatment used for the treatment of opioid addictions, but it could only be distributed by a clinic licensed for methadone treatment. This limited access to MAT for addiction to opioid drugs. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 opened the door for individual physicians to be able to apply for a waiver, opening the door for individual doctors to prescribe Suboxone. However, there are still strict regulations for these doctors that limit treatment. This includes how many patients they are able to treat for addiction to painkillers and other opiates.

Dr. Pramod Anand MD
71 West 156th StreetUnit 212
Harvey, IL
0.31 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Manisha Ogale MD
15900 Carol Avenue
Harvey, IL
1.06 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Modupe Oladeinde MD
100 W 162nd Street
South Holland, IL
1.68 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. William Gillard MD
52 West 162nd ST
South Holland, IL
1.76 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Eileen Couture DO
1909 174th Street
East Hazel Crest, IL
2.22 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Brenda Smith NP
16365 Cottage Grove
South Holland, IL
2.53 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Ronald Lawton MD
17800 Kedzie Avenue
Hazel Crest, IL
2.69 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Alexander Sackeim MD
17800 Kedzie Avenue
Hazel Crest, IL
2.69 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Usha Malkerneker MD
17065 Dixie Highway
Hazel Crest, IL
3.12 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Usha Malkerneker MD
17100 Dixie HighwaySt. D
Hazel Crest, IL
3.12 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Lindy Triebes MD
17800 S. Kedzie Ave
Hazel Crest, IL
3.12 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Rushia Butler
18036 Gottschalk Avenue
Homewood, IL
3.22 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Amjad Akhtar DO
16246 Prince Drive
South Holland, IL
3.42 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Titilayo Abiona MD MHS PA-C
13450 S. Kedzie Avenue
Robbins, IL
3.68 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Daniel Berg MD
13450 S. Kedzie Avenue
Robbins, IL
3.68 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Muhammad Rafiq
13450 South Kedzie Avenue
Robbins, IL
3.68 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Theodore James MD
2310 York Street
Blue Island, IL
3.73 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Narayan Prabhakar
13000 Maple Avenue
Blue Island, IL
3.81 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Michele Toney
13000 Maple Avenue
Blue Island, IL
3.81 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Vikas Patel MD
MetroSouth Medical Center Emergency Dept12935 South Gregory Street
Blue Island, IL
3.85 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Zahrain St. Jean MD
12935 South Gregory Street
Blue Island, IL
3.85 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. James Beckett MD
Illiana Home Physician Services2100 Sibley Blvd STE 103
Calumet City, IL
4.06 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Kionie Abraham NP
2100 Sibley Boulevard
Calumet City, IL
4.06 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Christian Oyibe NP
1609 Sibley Boulevard
Calumet City, IL
4.64 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Lanneka White NP
1609 Sibley Boulevard
Calumet City, IL
4.64 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezike MD
15900 S Cicero Avenue
Oak Forest, IL
4.88 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Gregg Montalto MD
800 East 55th StreetFriend Family Health Center, Inc.
Chicago, IL
5.83 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Dr. Adeyemi Fatoki MD
1473 Ring Road
Calumet City, IL
5.91 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Francis Kangethe MD
1473 Ring Road
Calumet City, IL
5.91 miles from the center of Harvey, IL
Zina Simmons NP
1473 Ring Road
Calumet City, IL
5.91 miles from the center of Harvey, IL

Choosing a Suboxone Doctor in Harvey, IL

When selecting a Suboxone doctor in Harvey, IL one should first do their research on the options that are obtainable and covered by their insurance provider. In addition to finding a physician you can afford, make sure they are qualified. Qualified physicians and mid-level practitioners in the United States must have an X-license to be able to prescribe Suboxone as a medication for opioid addiction treatment. These individuals should also offer some sort of community involvement to ensure success whether that involves outpatient programs, or other evidence-based treatment options to increase success while on Suboxone.

Success Rates of Suboxone Maintenance and Medication Assisted Detox

Success rates of Suboxone maintenance vary . from one person to another. However, most can agree that Suboxone is the most realistic pharmaceutical detox option to battle opioid addiction. In regard to Suboxone as medication assisted treatment, research has proven that like methadone there is still a possibility of abuse. Based on the potential for abuse, it is highly recommended by Suboxone doctors that MAT is monitored closely to increase the likelihood of success. To reiterate, the most significant success rates are presented when individuals on Suboxone for opiate addiction combine MAT with other behavioral therapies and evidence-based options. In spite of the stigma that the recovery community may often face, lots of people believe the research is clear and that medication assisted treatment can create success stories!

Alternatives to Suboxone Treatment in Harvey, IL

Addiction is one of the many diseases that does not have a cure. Consequently, there is a lot of contention regarding what the best approach to treatment. The dichotomy of arguments are either that abstinence is the best option or that it is better to be kept alive by Suboxone than to risk overdosing. Very simply, the jury is still out; however, when following the recommendations of a qualified Suboxone Doctor in Harvey, IL, you have a much greater chance of success.

Insurance coverage or Self pay options in Harvey, IL

Individuals seeking out medication assisted treatment options in Harvey, IL will absolutely need to know the options available to them. Whether they are covered under private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or willing to pay cash monthly for their prescription. There are resources available to people that meet each of those listed scenarios. The cost will vary on a case by case basis which can be discussed with your local Harvey, IL MAT provider. Commonly, each provider has a cost associated with your office visit, counseling services, drug screenings, detox, or any additional medical requirements. We recommend talking with your individual insurance provider to find out if Suboxone treatment will be paid for. For Medicaid or Medicare to pay for Suboxone treatment it must be listed on the preferred drug list. Additionally, only Suboxone prescribed by Medicare and Medicaid certified providers is covered by government insurance plans. Due to the fact that Suboxone is often given in an outpatient medication assisted treatment program it’s often not covered by Medicare.

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